Archive for June 16th, 2010

Lean and the power of communication.

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

I attended the LEI’s Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit last week in Orlando and was impressed by all the attendees’ dedication to improvement. The problems with our healthcare system — and the healthcare insurance system — are legion, but seeing the accomplishments of this group gives me some measure of hope that things might actually get better.

Amidst all the value stream maps and photos of 5S initiatives, one thing that really hit me was how communication lies at the heart of so much of lean. From kanbans to value stream maps, from daily huddles to managerial standard work from 5S to A3s, I kept seeing how clear, concise, and consistent communication eliminates waste, creates value, and focuses activity and attention on what’s important. When you think about it, a kanban is a form of communication that tells someone that something needs to be done at a certain time. Value stream maps are a kind of visual communication that helps reduce misunderstandings. Daily huddles are clearly about communication of problems (and solutions), while manager standard work is a way to routinize and clarify communication up, down, and across an organization. 5S is a way to help communicate abnormalities in a process or place. A3s are an elegant and concise method of communicating just about anything. And you can’t go to any lean plant or office without seeing visual management boards that essentially are just forms of communication.

So this got me thinking about the waste of time, effort, and energy that goes into what passes for communication in most organizations. You know — confusing emails with no clear purpose. Voice mails that don’t answer questions, but instead just ask you to “call me back” (and race through the telephone number at the end). Soul-sucking meetings that serve no point except the aggrandizement of the organizer’s ego. Proposals and reports that deforest half of Brazil without telling a coherent story. That’s a colossal amount of waste.

By no means am I diminishing the importance of the lean tools that are so often discussed. But it does make you wonder: what would happen if we spent even just a little time on improving the quality of the communication within and between organizational silos?